work in progress

Jonas Gerdes


RechtRace is the first app (and game) I ever published for Android. A rectangle has to be navigated by swiping between three different lanes, avoiding collision with approaching other rectangles. Occasionaly items represented by small squares are appearing. Colleting them will affect the game in various ways (e.g. adding extra lifes or speeding up the game). The further the rectangle travels without colliding other rectangles, the more points the player gets. Upon collision the player looses one of the inital given three lives. Once all lives are gone, the game is over and the user has the opportunity to create an entry in a (device) local and a global highscore list.

In game scene of the game

The graphic style of the game is kept minimalstic. The green rectangle can me moved by swiping to the left and the right.


RectRace can be installed from Google Play and is compatible with devices running Android 2.2 and higher.